Sep 20, 2023
BY Sarah Roach
I am beyond excited that I get to introduce to you today, one of my all time favourite YouTubers…Takasu Tile! I’ve watched almost every video so I’m definitely a huge fan! His channel is filled with adventure in the countryside of Japan, and it’s super captivating that it can be enjoyed by all audiences.
Good morning! It’s a new day! Photo Credit: Takasu Tile
Hello, my name is RYOSUKE TAKASU of TAKASU TILE! I have been posting information about life in the Japanese countryside! I am from a rural town in Aichi Prefecture, Japan. Even in my previous job as a firefighter, I worked in my home town. I have uploaded videos on YouTube in which I try gardening, cooking, farming, DIY, and many other things.
I’m glad you watch me everyday! I love making videos. I started making them when I was about 20 years old.
One time I was at a friend’s wedding and happened to be sitting next to a man who was making a YouTube video about his life. Hearing and seeing what he did, I started thinking like “Maybe I could do it too?” I became interested in it. The man’s name is OKUDAIRA BASE, if you’d like to check him out too.
I am glad to hear you say so. For me, every hour is a pleasant hour. Above all, the early morning hours, the pleasant breeze, the birds singing, and the morning watering in the midst of it all is bliss.
Takasu’s beautiful garden displays lovely flowers! Photo Credit: Takasu Tile
When you can see and feel the greenery right away. When I can make a loud voice. LOL! I love summer in the Japanese countryside. The downside is that I have lived here for a long time, so it is normal, but compared to the city, there are more insects and animals.
At first, I had no knowledge! I thought, “Let’s just give it a try!” and through trial and error, I ended up with the garden I have now. It took me about two years in total, including cleanup. LOL! I used many books and social networking sites as references for my garden.
I still have a hard time improving my tamago-yaki. LOL. I used to cook a bit when I was a firefighter because I had to cook for everyone at work. I guess if you continue to cook every day, you will get better at it! I think I’m getting much better than when I started YouTube. LOL!
Freshly grown vegetables from Takasu’s garden Photo credit: Takasu Tile
Oh I didn’t know about Uma chan. Now I know! I feel very close to Uma chan now! I feel like good food tastes even better when you say “delicious!”, so let’s all go ahead and say it more and more! And thank you for saying everything I cook sounds delicious!
I don’t like konnyaku (jelly like food made from yam) in oden. That triangular shape. LOL!
My favorite Japanese food is, I guess, omusubi (onigiri) and miso soup! It’s simple, but I feel like I get a boost of power when I eat it!
As with any job, I think the most important thing about YouTube is continuity! I’m also experimenting and challenging myself every day, so let’s work hard together! I think living in the countryside is great! There are many different places all over Japan, so it’s fun to find a place that fits your lifestyle!
Enjoying the Summer Special; Watermelon Photo Credit: Takasu Tile
Thank you very much!
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