Visiting Japan in February? We highly recommend you plan your trip in time with Setsubun. This festive holiday packs together tons of Japanese traditions that are still alive today. Let’s discover together what Setsubun is, and what to expect and learn from this event. What […]
Also called Grutto Pass, this is a very convenient QR code ticket that offers entrance tickets as well as discount vouchers for 101 museums and other facilities in the Tokyo area. What you need to know to use Grutto Pass Although the entrance fees are not […]
Every year, Japan celebrates Hinamatsuri, or Doll's Festival, on March 3rd with an assortment of gorgeous dolls. The dolls, which depict individuals from the Heian era court (such as the emperor, empress, attendants, and musicians), are meticulously arranged on a five or seven-tiered platform and are […]
If you plan to visit some of the many beautiful shrines and temples of Japan, consider getting a goshuincho. Collecting goshuin (passport stamps) creates a remarkable personal souvenir of your visit.
Washoku has deep roots in Japanese history, with cooking and serving techniques dating back over 400 years. While Washoku is extremely traditional, it is also flexible.